Aki Karasu

"They say it's better to light a candle than curse the darkness.. I say it's better to light your foe on fire and let them do the cursing for you.."

Voice Claim

Basic Info

Birth Name: Ugail Dei-Ijla
Current Name: Aki Karasu
Race: Viera, Rava
Age: 52
Gender: Male
Orientation: Heterosexual
Marital Status: Single
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Languages: Common, Hingan, Doman
Patron Deity: None
Occupation: Mercenary, Criminal, Wanderer, Hunter, Pirate
Nameday: 17th Sun of the 5th Astral Moon

At a Glance..

Body Features: Slim, Scar covered and well-muscled. His rough hands indicate he's clearly worked many labored years. Many scars and marks, old and new decorate his body, courtesy of his many ventures, fights, and mishaps. Taller than the average Viera with bright gold eyes peering from his dark hair making his features around him fade as the eyes become the focus when speaking to him. At times with piercings to his lips if he deems it to wear them.Personality: A voice the doesn't match the bright and piercing gold eyes give an intimidating presence at first glance, softened the moment his personality shows. Though often seeking information from a person standing before him, Information can always be gathered just by appearance and he always was one for detail. Teaser, Taunter, and Jester when it calls for it though as a person collective and stoic. His impassive demeanor is easily overshadowed by the kind and friendly nature imprinted upon him by the administrations of his father. His somewhat intimidating features are polished somewhat by his good-natured expression. His closest friends and acquaintances would agree that he's generally very social and very easy to get along with. A hard worker with a passionate soul, though often exhausted in the wrong route in life. He is not quick to anger and often speaks with a calm and monotone voice. Though not to be mistaken for passiveness.. even as kind and friendly as he is, he can be heartless and dismissive of those he dislikes or on the job.It is not uncommon for Aki to disappear for days on end for hunting trips.



Ugail was born in Dei-Ijla Village nestled deep within the Golmore Jungle. He was raised by his slightly older brother, he was one of three and the older was already a wailer for the Tribe. Spending most of his youth within the narrow walkways of his suspended home before it was his turn to be taken by a mentor for training.. or he would have if he had the chance.With the Invasion of the Garlean Forces in Dalmasca, his village was unfortunately within the range of the Garlean survey expeditions. A cohort stumbled upon it as they pushed deeper into the wood ranges, working tirelessly on flanking Dalmasca and surrounding the province. His village was unfortunately discovered while they did so. Many of the wood wailers including his own brother perished in the defense of their tribe, as they worked on protecting and halting the cohort's advance. With no success from the amount of soldiers outnumbering just one wailer. His Village was attacked, many of them escaping seeing the coming cohort while the rest defended it.Ugail himself was taken with many of the other children to safety. Or at least, tried to to get to safety. While they tried to escape he became separated by the group as the chasing only fueled the confusion in the young mind. Cutting them off at ever chance they could blocking escape.. Becoming lost and disoriented, the young Viera used what he had learned to survive. Moving east and further to attempt an escape. Wanting to separate himself from the Garlean Empires steel horde as much as he could.Hours became days, running and living off the land, he came upon a tiny village in Yangxia, he wasn’t sure where he was or who they were. Seeing the races inhabiting the land for the first time. The only thing he knew was that he needed help and there was only one option, but he wasn't trusting as his Tribe prohibited contact with anyone outside.. but with a stomach aching for a meal, his sense of caution left him as he lurked into the village soon after, finding farms growing fresh produce. His desperation drove him to steal from the simple farmer, leaving and making a building a little camp near the village by the mountain to plan what to do next.Over the next couple of weeks he continued to steal in small amounts, scavenging as best he could. He didn’t have any weapons to hunt big enough game, having to live off a plant diet mostly and only a few traps he had set to catch small game to tie him over while he worked on a weapon. During the end of the month he went down to the farm to take more what he needed.. but this time he was met with resistance.


A middle aged man who had the hands of a farmer, living alone tending to said farm he took from. Seeing the lost eyes in the Viera, looking at him with curiosity and awe both but saw the fear in the child behind the lost look in him. A hint of weary and sadness seeing a young kid having to live like this, his language being Doman would not understand a word that Ugail Spoke, as his language was Viaran and vice versa, but Ugail took a notice of him being invited, still hesitant, the man returned with a bowl filled with food, offering it. Ugail took the meal eagerly as he hasn't ate anything fully prepared in such a manner for a while, from that day a friendship began to build between the two. While the villagers in the vicinity saw the newcomer with a curious look but also cautious.Ugail now a few years older slowly had learned how to speak Doman and Hingan from his adoptive father, That he even gave him a new name, a name that he could make his own and fit to the land he is now being raised in. Aki Karasu, taking his fathers Surname as his own. Finally able to speak to one another instead of gestures and saying words they don’t understand but gesture, and learning plenty more from his father besides language. Working with him on his farm, Aki deep down always felt he had owed him for everything he had provided, the chance he had given him. Always going above and beyond for his father, teaching him many things that the wood wailers would have. How to hunt, resourceful with his surroundings more in depth than he was taught at the tribe, even practicing with his fathers old blade, but he felt stiff with it. Clunky. Like it didn’t flow with him.He then grabbed the one tool he’d been using for a long time. The scythe his father gave him to work the field. Practicing, using it as his main form of weapon, while the scythe was his main tool of choice he enjoyed using smaller blades or swords, more finesse due to his love for cooking.. his father always thought he was too short for the scythe at that age but he would grow into it. Besides martial training with his father, he was a curious young boy. His love for languages grew, learning and being taught by his father as must as he could, a mind for curiosity. At his early age learned Doman, Viaran as his first language and then learned common. Growing to love books and in general curious of the unknown, in his many books he read about creatures from the far west, of adventurers who made a fortune and those who made a fortune with less than desirable ways, A want he only grew over time.Though in this time he began having nightmares, visions and being haunted by his youth. Visions of his older brother showing up as if he was truly there. It would either wake him or at times of him relaxing showing unannounced.


He lived on that farm for a decade, helping his father and villagers in the area in whatever he could. Keeping beasts away who get too close to the village or wild animals who would try and kill livestock. With his hard work many grew to see Aki as a dependable member of the village. Not seeing him as the foreign entity they first were introduced to..Now in his adult years and his father in his older years. His father growing a little weaker though still stubborn tending to the farm, Aki helped where he could. Though slowly the life of farming began to grow stale for him, he wanted to explore and make his own life, to which his father didn’t stop him.. more so encouraged him, he was supportive of his decision, Knowing that one day his own Karasu would have to leave the nest. Helping with whatever it is he needed before setting him off on his own way.He stayed for another few years until he was sure he did everything he could for his father, to make his time away easier, the coming day to leave made Aki deep down nervous but both excited to new things he would encounter. Though little did he know his father had his own secrets...


Aki traveled through Doma, and went to Hingashi where he saw the diverse culture and its vibrancy. Almost overwhelmed at the flash of civilization he had never really gotten to experience. Aki was met with curious eyes, weird eyes, either from wariness, distrust or just as a being rarely seen or never been seen by said individual.Nonetheless... Aki used everything he learned to make a living for himself and how he wanted. By his own choices alone and his own desires. He began to take up jobs hunting beasts troubling the land as he did back home, using it as his opportunity to hone his skills with his scythe and try to gain a name to further gain opportunities. Not that it was a hard thing to do as opportunities were plentiful in Hingashi.Years go by and Aki has taken the route of working as a Mercenary, Hunter and while doing so even took on the talent of gathering information for those that paid the right price. Over the years building a repertoire of talents that are yet to be finely tuned.. Taking parts from beasts he eliminates and sells said parts to the black market, voidsent the most profitable yet dangerous that he stays away as much as hes able.. price is not worth the dangers.. or at least not always.. Though he finds the creatures intriguing and the unknown only made his curiosity peak.


His work at times lead him to jobs as extra muscle, whether it was good or bad didn’t matter, only the pay did, taking work were it came. Living the dream he’s always wanted but for him... not glamorous but it kept him busy, paid, and entertained him. His ambitions only grew and wanting more to sate his curiosity.Aki's life took a turn once more, one of the jobs he had taken had him sailing from Hingashi towards Eorzea to the west. A job he didn't have much if any information on, a need to know basis. Though he wasn't naive, he knew it was from a criminal organization, Yakuza, Gang, pirates? He could only assume the specific group but the cargo sure wasn't legal from the amount of protection it had and the little information they gave.The job paid well and so he took it. Sailing from Hingashi, where he began to have a new love for sailing, the freedom of the sea and scent of salt as they sailed, maybe a new hobby to be taken.. least when he wasn't busy. The trip was thankfully uneventful, Making port in Limsa's waters, new land.. new people. So far he was introduced to the dangers of piracy. As it was normal in those parts.. and more so Privateers would frequent the seas to hunt such pirates and at times ask questions before firing a cannon.. pirates themselves with a title.He finished the job getting paid and in a new land once more.. New people and culture to get use to. Unfortunately having no sort of contact work would be a brand new challenge.. but in limsa.. that hasn't as hard as he thought it would be.


Spending time in Limsa seeking more work lead him to travel and wander to the other cities. Once more taking jobs Hunting, Gathering information, smuggling and extra muscle.. The life wasn't very glamorous but it paid, kept him busy and provided the entertainment and sating the curiosity that always resided in him.He spent more time in Pirate ships when he needed to lay low and disappear for some time, usually the bigger jobs he took would lead him to be scarce as to not attract too much attention, as well as not have a target on his back from others that he's disrupted business for.While Aki is one to keep his head focused on his work he does have his own R&R routine. An avid fisher that takes trips to just enjoy some peace in the wild and just fish and lose track of his time.Aki currently wanders from place to place looking for work from anyone and everyone who pays, weather is of being of service or providing a service that he's knowledgeable in..

Roleplay Hooks

Criminal Past

Aki has worked with shady individuals. Large and small organizations that paid the right price for him to work for. Perhaps you've had him work for you or seen him in areas where such individuals would gather..

Sword for Hire

Aki takes work if an extra sword is needed, taken jobs from many to be extra muscle or track someone, intimidate others or security.. He might of worked for you or an organization that you seeking out extra muscle. Weather it's for good or bad.. depends on the price.

Info Broker

Aki's ears are more than just for show. His keen hearing and finesse always worked in his favor to gather information and sell it to the highest bidder. Could hire him to gather information?

Fishing Enthusiast

While he enjoys his other work and making Gil where ever he can.. Aki has a love for fishing. It leads him to many areas around Eorzea from the far west to east. Disappearing for days on end when he goes fishing for the biggest catch.. Might encounter him in the wild?

Ties to the Tribe

Aki's life in the tribe was a short lived one.. maybe he was one of many in the tribe you knew and have comradery as fellow tribe member, worked with or encountered at any point in his youth. He might not recognize you but maybe can refresh his memory?

Pirate Life

Though he still has plenty to learn and more days on the sea to be had, Aki spent time with pirates and in ships seeking extra hands. Could of ended on your ship at any point or in one you both worked in?

Aki's Private Journal

New Home

"Well.. the old man gave me this journal to practice my writing.. don't see much a point to it as I'm just a farmer but he keeps hassling me to work on it so here I am writing to myself.. been here for little over a year, been helping him around the farm. It's the least I could do for him for offering me a place and a warm meal after all these months. Don't have to stick to eating vegetables all the time.. thankfully""How things have changed quickly.. been a year and I'm still not use to this place.. the people and the smells. It's nothing like home. Least the little of home that I can remember.. it's all a blur. Doesn't matter, this is my new life now.. best to not waste this second chance I've been given.. I was probably one of the lucky ones and forget about it. Ugail is no longer my name, Aki is now my new one."I guess I should get rest, got plenty of work tomorrow, and pay father back with the kindness he's given me."

Hunting Season

"Father as usual is being stubborn working at the farm, told him I already finished the work but he likes to make sure, or thinks I do shot work.. Going to make the old man his favorite meal to at least see a sense of rest from him, as his rest usually means working earlier the next day but there's no arguing with that old cod. Don't know why he pushes himself so much..""Going to catch a Otherdian Salmon.. I know he likes Salmon with rice and if I'm lucky.. one with eggs for caviar. Around this time they migrate this far up during the end of their lifespan, should be plenty to catch though I only need one. I heard that it's Flaky flesh is used for rice wines in Hingashi.. maybe I can trade the skin for a bottle in turn.""Got one! Took longer than I expected, the population hasn't come up in droves this year.. wonder if the traffic of garlean ships have been causing these issues? None the less, I manage to catch one after taking a dive for it.. hope he appreciates me getting soaked, though I'm sure the old man will simply laugh.. I'm sure he's still at the farm.""Yeap, I was correct.. old man is still at the farm tending to the rice field. Well while he does that guess I'll just surprised him with welcoming meal, maybe it'll remind him to take a moment and enjoy said moment.."

Moving Forward

"Been a while since I made another entry.. been too busy with.. farming. Right. Sounds ridiculous when you put it in writing, since farming is what I do. None the less it's been a busy harvest, conflict has been brewing left and right, the town has began working on making shifts to keep watch just to defend our.. little village. I of course was the first to volunteer, don't have many who are able to fight.. most of the people that live here are late in their years and we viera have the unfortunate curse of living for centuries. Father thankfully taught me how to use some basic weapons to defend myself, I did ask him how he knew all that stuff but he always changed the subject. Won't push into his past.. he's done a lot for me and respecting his privacy is the first thing I should do. But still makes me wonder..""Spending time in this place though has given me a want to go out and travel, I never planned on staying in this place forever after what happened to my tribe, as much as I appreciate them welcoming me as one of their own, I need to make a life for myself. I'll think on this for a while.. going to have to talk to father about it. I'm sure he won't be against it but.. I will carry a side of guilt for leaving after all he's done.. and beside. Who will cook this old fool a hearty meal?"

New Horizons, New Visions

"Well.. guess I'll be using this more often to remind myself and process my thoughts. Spoke to father about my idea and want, surprisingly the old man wasn't against it.. more so was rather ready to send me on my way, begs the question if he was just tired of me but I know that isn't it and just wants me to do what I want to do. I just worry for his health.. that fool isn't getting any younger. None the less, I'm now on a cart headed to Kugane, take some work and get myself situated.""From there just have to see where my choices take me, father had given me a name for work.. though I'm quite unsure how he knows them. I swear that he is hiding something from me, not that it's my business.. but he knows too much for a simple farmer. None the less I'll visit this contact, I'm not sure what sort of work I'll be doing but work is work."------------------------------"Well.. I'm in Kugane and this place is nothing but... surreal. I've never seen this sort of civilization. These many people.. smells and sighs.. honestly it's quite overwhelming at the moment. Confusing so. But I'm hungry and travel has made me tired. Best use what I've learned from father.""Already had a swindler try and persuade me to purchase some weapon.. could easily tell that thing was cheap. Dirt would make a better weapon than that thing. Seems I have to keep my wits about me with these tricks."------------------------------"So.. met with the contact.. not at all what I expected but work is surely to be found with him. Gave me a few tasks to prove I'm able to hold my own.. going to start those as soon as I'm able. Probably won't make another entry for a while.. been spending too much time in my head. Eager to get to work."

Old Horizon, New Idea..

"Well. Been working near a year in Kugane. To be perfectly honest it's getting stale.. Tired of taking orders instead of working for my own benefit. Plus.. think I want to open a bar.. maybe build a network? Hm.. that's an idea.. I have gotten in the habit of selling information so why not turn it around to be used for my own self? I'll let this idea stew a little before I make any moves. Got another job and this one is a bit more life threatening than usual but job is a job."------------------------------
"Job done now back to my idea. Bar.. should it just be a bar or should I build more onto it? I love working against the law as much as the next guy but should I turn a new leaf... naaahhh that's boring. Might just make the network I was thinking of.. maybe Mercenary band, or place for those wanderers as myself to call home and technically don't have to follow the law to the letter.. first off I need to move west. Tired of this land and more so seeing Garleans around. Took a contract to guard some delivery on a ship heading to limsa. That's going to be my first step from there. I'll figure it out.. Well breaks over. Need to get this job done."

The Player


I'm Crow, I enjoy role-playing and creative writing of any kind, I've been doing RP on FFXIV for a decade now. I rely on OOC communication to know how you feel about the RP or if IRL comes into play that will keep you away. The more I know, the better I can make sure we're both having a good time!With that in mind I suffer through plenty of medical hurtles that I get treated for and have no control over. Leaving me exhausted physically and mentally combined with work, at times I'm slow in responses for the day but do respond as often as I'm able and so please be patient with me. If you feel it's not your style you're obviously free to end the RP and there won't be any hard feelings, we all have our preferences and might want things at a faster pace! But IRL comes first to me above a game and RP.As with the many day struggles I deal with, I favor RP on Discord in when time is constricting to keep the interest going, Though I enjoy doing RP In-game and that would need to be planned out ahead to take days or a day for the week to do some RP together in-game or just ask and we might be free to do scenes at the time, just ask!Even while doing RP on Discord I still take my own G-poses and scenes of RP that are done to have visuals!FYI I'm in my mid 20's so if you feel uncomfortable to RP unless you know the age - there you go!

Discord: aki_karasu
Datacenter: Crystal
Server: Goblin
Timezone: EST

What I Seek

Overall I'm looking for an RP partner for long term plot and building a story that we both enjoy, Key word both. The story should be something we both build and both enjoy, don't wish to leave one side not pleased with how the story is building or felt left out in their own story.I'm not seeking any sort of drama of any kind. I've dealt with too many of it on FF that for some reason is in abundance. The first sign of that-I'm pulling my character and will end it. Here for a good time not a bad one.I like having a RP partner that's a friend. Being able to talk outside of the RP is something I enjoy and helps us both become a bit more comfortable with our characters. I've had too many encounters of people reach out to RP and then not show much interest in doing so. I like communication, not going radio silent for two weeks after we've agreed to do RP. You'll lose my interest and want someone who's committed to communicate. IRL always comes first but please communicate like I would should something come up, making plans to then leave it hanging is wasting both our times, I am a busy person and respect my time, I'd not waste yours and disrespect yours. Please don't waste both of ours and lets talk. If you don't feel up to RP just say, we are adults.IC Monogamous relationship. I've seem drama with people harassing others due to not being honest and sticking to one IC relationship. I want to circumvent that. I don't like Poly, or any mind games being played that can lead to drama. If you're wanting romance between the characters then they must not be spoken for. If you have different cannons of your single character and mention it before that's perfectly fine, but there's just been way too much drama revolved around that and I want to avoid it. Should not have to mention on being considerate..Overall looking for a good time. This is RP. It should not be a chore, for neither of us. Let's just enjoy writing above everything, as long as honesty and understanding are present with communication so we can both have a good time!

Interested In:

OOC FriendshipTalking, planning and overall sharing goofy stuff is always a plus.Long-TermArcs, stories, slice of life and building our own plot and Lore for our characters is always encouraged.Dark themesI'm open to darker ideas, only need to discuss before hand to plan!Rolling on scenesIf you enjoy leaving encounters to the fate of the dice I'm open to it and DM scenes.Lore BendingWithin reason and even just don't mind, I'm open to lore bending characters and ideas. I'm not here to ruin the fun, you know.Slow burn and RomanceNot against my character having a romance with another and becoming attached, just needs to be natural is all!Discord/In-gameI do both Discord and In-game RP, though I lean more towards Discord at times as I stated above, I have a lot in my plate sadly as many others do, so Discord is the best way in tight situations. In-game we would just have a day/s out of the week or just ask if free and we are able to take time to do some scenes! Only gotta communicate!

Tendency to Avoid:

WoL/Canon CharactersThey are amazing characters and understand some like to RP them, But what I RP doesn't fit with them.Groups/PublicPlaces where there's too much chat scroll and losing track can be too much hassle at times but I'm not fully against it.Underage Players/CharactersThat's pretty self explanatory.ERPNot against it but would like to know one another before hand.No ToleranceIf you don't understand that real life Comes first then it's best to not interact, work, health and life in general is always first and might be AFK for short times. This is a game.DramaI do not deal with Drama. I've had too many encounters of that in the past and as a general seems to be a common thing on FF now. I'm here to have a good time and want you to have a good time. Not deal with nonsense Period, if not RP is over.


Note: The stories are slideshows and takes a few seconds to move to the next section.

Camp Visit
